Elgun Abasguliyev

Elgun Abasguliyev

Software Developer & Pentester
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Elgun Abasguliyev
Software Developer & Pentester

I'm a software developer who's all about making cool things with computers. I've learned languages like C/C++, C#, Python, PHP, and JS, and I've spent time working as a backend developer using .NET Core (ASP.NET Core). Right now, I'm deep into the world of Node.js, working my magic on the backend.

But wait, there's more! I've got a thing for keeping things safe in the digital world – that's why I've dabbled in cybersecurity and blockchain. The way I see it, making sure things are locked up tight online is pretty cool. And I'm totally fall in love blockchain related stuffs.

Do you know what I love more? Nope, no coffee for me. I'm all about RUNE – that's my favorite digital currency. It's like my secret power for staying charged up while I'm coding away.

Github: @eabasguliyev