I always thought I was special. If you looked at my background, neighbourhood, family and childhood days you would not notice striking evidences. But, I certainly did. Because everyone has their own "Morpheus and Neo" moments. I found my Morpheus at an early age. It was Jack London and his sentences. When I read him I felt how connected we are to each other. Not as a reader and writer but two wondering souls out there in the wilderness. And, being special is not about the bragging part. It is about understanding you came here to do something special. Maybe touch some lives, maybe create something that will live for decades. Maybe you will be a part of something great. I think publishing KVAN was that very moment when others also felt the evidence. This book keeps suprising me every week. It is someone with his/her heartfelt message or reader photo. Every week I get some reminder about KVAN. It is impossible to not be humble about the experience. When I wrote it I did not expect anything majestic. Although while typing I felt how different each sentence was. KVAN is the feeling that everyone desires. What is that feeling? What do we all desire?1. To make sure that our loved ones are safe and sound.2. To stay in their memory as a good and valuable person. 3. To be important and connected to others. 4. To do great things with great people. When you are doing something special the first part of the journey is usually dark, bitter and chaotic. It is far away from perfection and conclusion. It is taking talls and taking no hostages. But you go on...and you go on like there is no tomorrow...Because there is no tomorrow if that tomorrow does not have your thing in it. In 2012-2013, I made a u-turn from the corporate world which lured me with its good salary and bonuses. I did something that seemed crazy to others but totally natural to me. Because it was my thing. KVAN is about finding your thing. And what is crazy, you find it against all odds. You do find it in the end. Or you die happy because you searched for it.