We hate being rejected. That is why most of us will never do big things. Imagine yourself approaching others and saying I have this idea, product or service and hearing big juicy NO. Not pleasant. But imagine changing the perspective and setting a goal recieve 30 NO's today. You love the NO's this time. And now when somebody says yes you are pissed. This sales trick for the teams works most of the times. What about the creative people?Our books, stories, paintings and music is so intimate for us. This time NO is just on another level. What you create gets rejected? But does it really?I see rejection game as a level game:First it is time. It is usually the wrong one. Then it is the place. It is usually the wrong one. Wait, did I mention the wrong person? We usually pitch to the wrong people. As we cross the hurdles of all levels we see things. We see how stars start to align and here you go:It is the right time, place and person. You chat and suddenly they purchase 1200 books for their team. But then there is another level which I call the karmic one. Imagine a reader who receives a gift. (The book). She forgets about it and a year later she buys a new copy. (Of the same book.) She does not read it again and 3-4 year later she goes to Italy and when she unpacks her luggage the book is there. (Accidentaly of course.)She says to heck with it and takes it with her to a train ride. She reads until the part where it says "you are reading this part with two other passengers who share your side seats. You all are laughing at the moment. You enjoy the part and decide to write to the author. Where was I? Yes, the perspective game. If you are in the branding and selling business, rejection is the fuel you will need.